I'm that person, that good luck charm, and that smart one. You see a pattern here? I'm everything you can imagine! My accomplishments and significant experiences are beneficial to those colleges/universities that are in need of student applicants. Like mine. Anything I do is done with passion, with great confidence, and with amazing charisma. You take one look at me and you automatically know that I can do anything; I've climbed every mountain there is and dove off some of the worlds biggest water falls. Gave me a whimsical feeling. Nothing stands in my way. I build houses for famous people like: Kelly Clarkson, Chris Daughtry, Michael Jackson and many more. Too many to list! Music wouldn't exist if it weren't for me to discover such beautiful thing. In my spare time, I take a glide in the sky; I see a lot of bad things in this world.
My spit can put out any size fire in a matter of seconds. Firefighters thank me all the time! I'm always on the news for discovering things like music, clothes, foot wear and the cure for all cancers out there. If you got a question(s) I always give an answer. Ask away. Given a time limit of only an hour to finish, I can write a 2500 word essay, with no mistakes, no scribbles, no smudges, no wrinkles in the paper and no spelling errors. I'm just amazing that way, eh? When learning something new, it takes me one time to get it. I don't need to be told twice, three times or even four times...just once! I can speak every language ever known. Every place I've been to I can easily pick up the language within the snap of a finger! I befriend everyone I see. I don't judge. I can breath under water, having no worries of stopping my fun just to take a breath and having to do that over and over and over and over again. I have perfect skin; I don't need some kind of zit zapper like 'Proactive'. I'm richer than the richest women alive (Christy Walton). She has $20 billion..I make that much in a week. With my skills and the desire to learn, I have not yet attended college. If you read this, I hope that you will consider sending me a letter in the mail to confirm me as a student at your institution. :D Thank you!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Who is this man?
I open the door only slightly when I see him. A man is sitting on my couch; all I can see is his hat, tilted just barely to the left going with the flow of his body. He hears the slow creak from the old door I opened. Quickly, he jumps to his feet and says, "Who..who's there?" I hesitate..with fright, trying to come up with words to say, "Uhh..mmm, me?" The man just sighs, shaking his head with confusion. He's like a spirit wanting to be disengaged from this place. The tilted hat creates massive folds rippling down his cheek, not allowing him to open the one eye. There is a large portion of his face I can not see; hidden as if half of the moon was shown in the clear night sky. Assuming that the man's face is the same on both sides, I see a crooked uncut eyebrow. It is like a hay bale, with little bits of hay sticking out of the sides. Seeming like he would always squint, he never fully opens his eyes. I couldn't decipher the colour or his eyes: blue, green, brown or hazel? Never knew a nose could be as big as a mountain... seemed out of place, just hanging there, big and bold. His lips are as rough as sandpaper that was unused. Dangling from his lips is a freshly lit cigarette; the thick smoke travels briskly to my nose..breathing it in makes me feel sick to the point where I want to purge. His face is filled with stubbles of hair that haven't been recently shaved. As I look farther down his face, it appears he doesn't have much of a neck. The collar from his suit is worn firmly around his neck, with skin hanging over it making it very hard to see. As the man turns around to sit back down, I notice the fascinating clothing that he is wearing. It is nicely matched with a bit of colour. Just before he sat down he says, "Talk to you later then!" I race to my room horrified....and that was the end of the man.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cliche Haunted house

It's a full moon, shining on the path as I walk towards the house. I have never been on a path that had such vicious and sharp turns. Near the end, I saw something. It's black, falling apart, dusty and giving me a weird vibe. My stomach is in a bind of knots..making me regret this decision to come here. As I stand beyond the door of cobwebs and here the cries of terror, I begin to shake like a leaf. I walk into the house as stealth as a mouse. I felt like I had bitten off more then i could chew. As I turn the corner that takes me to this passage reaching the bloody body that stood before me, I belch out a blood curling scream. I kept going trying to alleviate the scare of the horror, turned me white as a ghost. By this time I had almost reached the end of my experience, it felt like a roller coaster. Seeing most just quit, racing out of the hunted house faster then the speed of light. Made me want to finish my journey, making it out alive! As I saw the light at the end of the tunnel I began to fun faster, and faster and faster. Finally I have made it out alive. I can now say that I have given it 110%.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Super Heros-Reading the Human Mind.
My head is filled with many different thoughts, emotions and fears. I can't seem to get rid of them, there stuck. All the voices I hear whether they are far or near, they're all a jumbled mess in my head. People are coming in all different directions with their thoughts, no where for me to go or hide. Hearing the constent whispers all at one is just to much to take in. I hardly think about things I want. It's really never about me anymore. But at the same time it is rewarding to know how others think, how different minds work; how they deal with their issuse or what they think about. This is why I would like to have the power of reading the human mind. It is a challenge to want such ability but if Edward Cullens can do it than so can I. Have you ever wanted to help a loved one: boyfriends, girlfriends or just someone you truly care for? You can reach this success by choosing this power.(not finished)...............
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