It's a full moon, shining on the path as I walk towards the house. I have never been on a path that had such vicious and sharp turns. Near the end, I saw something. It's black, falling apart, dusty and giving me a weird vibe. My stomach is in a bind of knots..making me regret this decision to come here. As I stand beyond the door of cobwebs and here the cries of terror, I begin to shake like a leaf. I walk into the house as stealth as a mouse. I felt like I had bitten off more then i could chew. As I turn the corner that takes me to this passage reaching the bloody body that stood before me, I belch out a blood curling scream. I kept going trying to alleviate the scare of the horror, turned me white as a ghost. By this time I had almost reached the end of my experience, it felt like a roller coaster. Seeing most just quit, racing out of the hunted house faster then the speed of light. Made me want to finish my journey, making it out alive! As I saw the light at the end of the tunnel I began to fun faster, and faster and faster. Finally I have made it out alive. I can now say that I have given it 110%.
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